Ric and Dorry Bradley

Ric and Dorry, throughout their long lives, have been extraordinary supporters and mentors for their wonderful family and their many colleages and friends. This site showcases their sterling qualities and diverse adventures over four eras:

  1. The early years
  2. WWII through the '50s
  3. Colorado College era
  4. The latter years

Early years (pre-WWII)

Photos from the early days

WWII - Colorado College

Photos from the WW2-CC era

1947: Tuolomne Meadows trip

Ric Bradley's footage from a 2-month back-country skiing adventure in Tuolomne Meadows (Yosemite National Park, CA, USA) just after World War II (Feb-Mar, 1947). Narration added by Ric Bradley in 2002.

Screenshots from the 1947 Tuolumne Meadows trip

Should the YouTube version some day fail, one can also view or download the video as an mp4 file (94 MB).

Colorado College era (1961-1987)

Photos from the CC era

Hut trips & other outdoor overnight adventures

Avalanche article in Alpine Journal (thumb through the web version by moving over an outer corner of the page and turning it -- as if it were a real magazine page; or, download the original PDF, 6.3MB)


Music photo album (add Mahani, Dorry, and sheet music images?)

Colorado College Bulletin (archive)

The latter years

Photos from the latter years

Final ski trips

2016: Ric Receives Gresham Riley Award

Ric's water colors

2022 June 3: Dorry's memorial service

2022 June 4: Ric's 100th birthday bash

2022 November 14: Dedication of Camp Hale as a National Historic Monument by President Biden

History of the 10th Mountain Division (PDF, 0.6MB)


Travels to Chile

From Ric's email on January 12, 2023, to Val:

The trip to Chile was a great success. No getting bounced out of reserved airline seats or anything like that. At the concert where Mahani played Grieg’s Piano Concerto (to a good sized audience) she also accompanied a soprano soloist in “The Road Not Taken” by a familiar CC perfessor. And with all that, we had nice weather at Puerto Varas, Helen’s new home. Jo and Larry accompanied me to Chile, and thanks to his fluency in Spanish we had no unhappy adventures. It was a delightful 3 weeks.

Photos from December 2022 trip to Chile

2023 October: Ric's Last Trip

Ric, with Helen escorting, set off on what was to be his last trip. Ric and Helen flew from Colorado Springs to Seattle. Scott picked them up at SEA/TAC and brought them to San Juan Island. We had a terrific 4 days with Ric and Helen, exploring the island, talking and singing.

  • Ric tells us about sailing with no wind!
  • We all then went to Seattle. Ric and Helen had a good visit with Estella Leopold, the daughter of Aldo Leopold and a family friend for many decades. On Saturday, Tahai joined Helen and Ric and we all attended Mahani's Seattle concert. Mahani played before a large crowd at Benaroya Hall with the Seattle Symphony.

  • Ric attends Mahani's concert with the Seattle Symphony!
  • Ric followed along for concerts in New Hampshire and there he seemed to weaken. Then, in Cleveland, Ric had to be taken to the emergency room.

    Ric died on Saturday, October 28th, at age 101.5, in Cleveland while the granddaughter whom he so admired and loved was in concert at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC.

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    Acknowledgements and an invitation to contribute

    The first version of this Github Pages site, and the underlying open source ricanddorry.github.io repository, was been created by Scott and Val Veirs in the latter half of 2022 and early 2023. Anyone is welcome to contribute to future versions.